Control the first impression your business makes in the search engines… 

If Potential Customers Search Online and Find Something Bad Your Business Could Go “Belly Up” 

We turn that nightmare back into a profitable paradise… 

Dear fellow business owner, 

The first page your business is found on any search engine is critical for your business reputation. It could mean big profits or “the end.” 

If something about your business on or before your own website listing is negative, that could spell big trouble. 

But if the results that surround your business listing are good, then profits await. 

Today online reputation is more important, more unforgettable, and more meaningful to a business than ever before. 

The Internet gives people the anonymity they need to confidently post reviews and news about your business with confidence. 

Good or bad, your potential customers find that information, and here’s how they react: 

  • 90% of consumers say positive reviews have influenced their purchase decisions.
  • Online search is the most trusted source of information about companies and their owners for 65% of internet users.
  • 86% of consumers research on the internet before making a purchasing decision (that means you don’t see what you’re missing if they find “bad” things).
  • 79% of consumers place equal weight on both online reviews and personal recommendations (so “word of mouth” is no longer enough).
  • 58% of Fortune 500 executives believe reputation management should be a core part of every organisation’s marketing and branding strategy.

All the statistics above reveal that digital reputation management is critical to the future of your marketing and branding. 

Here’s how “bad stuff” online can kill your business… 

The aunt of a good friend got sued for $638,550.13. It was a bogus lawsuit, a total money grab. The Judge basically threw it out.  

But then, their worst nightmare came true: 

The government page about this lawsuit STILL showed up in Google. 

It was one of the TOP results in Google when you searched for their business. Their business reputation was suffering, and they were losing business for no good reason.  

Of course no one bothered to read the lawsuit to see that it was totally false. 

They just saw the lawsuit document, got spooked, and took their business somewhere else. After all, in most cases there are plenty of other choices out there. 

On top of that, it’s nearly impossible to get something removed from Google completely.  

That leaves you with the only option of having to suppress the damaging search results with reputation management techniques.  

That’s where we come in… 

Most business owners have never tried to knock an authority .GOV page out of Google search results. They don't budge with normal tactics. 

But we LOVE these challenges. 

We leverage our expertise and knowledge to fix problems just like this. No “black hat” garbage either.  

Everything we do is 100% compliant with any search engine’s terms of service. 

Our “out of the box” secrets ended up making this nasty .GOV page go… 


To prove it, here's a “before and after” screenshot of her page 1 results. 

Beforehand, all the “regular” stuff that was tried...  

They were provided with a 1 box/site listings, custom YouTube videos, web 2.0 pages etc. While they might have improved matters (temporarily), they didn't fix the problem. 

Only our out-of-box secret strategies worked in the end, see for yourself: 

One Year Later: The "Bad GOV Page" Is Still Gone 

Even if the bad page were to reappear at some point, now it’s even easier to kick it from the front pages of results again. 

Reputation protected. 

And here’s the good news, we can help you eliminate your own online reputation nightmare and turn it into your most powerful sales and marketing asset. 

Here’s how we can do this, starting right now: 

  1. We build out your business’s "Reputation Stack," which is the specific order a business should implement these strategies to safeguard your online reputation. 
  2. We create digital assets that help your business dominate the first page of any search engine (including Google). That way your business looks good to potential customers doing their homework, encouraging them to contact your business. 
  3. We provide Google with positive, diverse, and timely content about your business so that it will outrank any damaging or false content. You’ll be in full control of the story being told about your business. 
  4. There is a conversation happening out there between your customer, prospects, and competitors. Your business will be a part of that conversation, and our secret strategy will make sure it is a profitable one. 
  5. We guard your reputation with search engine compliant, proven, and up-to-date SEO strategies that bump unfavourable listings off the first page of search results within 4 to 8 weeks (in rare cases, it takes a little longer). 
  6. Your reputation will STAY secure because we continually monitor the search landscape for potential threats to your reputation so swift action can be taken to eliminate them. 
  7. We always support the local community by donating a percentage of our monthly fees to a charitable organisation when you partner with us.  

Normally our fee starts at $2,000 for basic services. This could include getting that embarrassing search result bumped off the first page of Google. 

But here’s the best part: You don’t pay us a dime until we get results. 

Here’s the next step… 

First, we need to “take a look under the hood” and determine the scope of your online reputation issue. 

To do that, just click here to visit our scheduling page and book your 100% free and confidential discovery session. 

Your reputation nightmare can become a profitable paradise, but you must take the next step to get started… 


Q: What can I expect from your service? 

A: Our key goal for our clients is using proven search engine compliant techniques we can bump the unfavourable content off the 1st page and onto the 2nd or 3rd page of the search results (this includes Google). 

Q: Isn’t the damaging content still visible online? 

A: Now you might be thinking: “The content can still be seen.” However, according to an AOL study, 90% of Google searchers never make it past page one for a given search. So getting the unfavourable content bumped onto page 2 is good enough for most business’s needs. Most content gets bumped a lot further. 

Q: Do you provide a guarantee for your services? 

A: Yes, but every situation is different. During our 100% free and confidential discovery call, if we think we will be unable to help, we’ll let you know. In most situations we can provide help improving a situation. Your fees are paid to an escrow service and won’t be released as payment once we have gotten you a result. 

Q: How do you get bad content pushed off the first page of any search engine? 

A: While our processes are proprietary, they are all compliant strategies and tactics. We plan for the long term with our clients. We will not engage in ANY unethical reputation management tactics like: Astroturfing, fake reviews, negative reputation website ownership, DDoS attacks, or generating false news about competitors (just to name a few).  

Q: What funds escrow service do you use? 

A: We’ve taken on clients in the past who’ve been burned by less reputable reputation management companies. To remove that risk, any initial fees are paid to a company called once we’ve agreed on terms. Then we deliver our services and get you the result you agreed to. Once you approve the work, the funds are released to us.